Continued illicit migrations via Russia are proving the Wall built by Poland on its border to be incompetent.
The 5.5- meter tall steel wall topped with barbed wires was completed on 30 June 2022. The manufacturing of the Wall was started in 2021 in the hope of stopping all the illegal migration into Europe through the eastern countries.
Three hundred fifty-three million euros, which equals four hundred seven million American dollars, were spent on completing the 186 km-long Wall. The Wall is covered with motion sensors and cameras.
Poland has had ongoing tensions with Belarus, an ally of Russia, for years. The inception of the idea of making of Wall was born after Poland accused Belarus of using asylum-seekers for their political benefits in late 2021.
But, the steady flow of people trying to cross into Poland in the hope of a better life is raising the question of whether the Wall is capable of halting the migrations.
“We climbed the barrier overnight”, said Joel and Lisa, a 30-year-old married couple from Cuba. They have left their three children back in Cuba.
Sitting in the attic only a few km away from the polish Wall in the north, Lisa said, “It is tough to cross, but when you set your mind to something in life, and you leave people behind who rely on you and your sacrifice, you must do your best.”
The couple moved to Russia on a student visa in April 2021. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the political situation got tense, and they decided to return to their homeland, Spain.
The couple were wandering in the Polish forests for three days. Then, a local woman helped them find a place where they could rest for a few days.
The Wall is not stopping people, says local activists. There have been numerous instances of wall crossings since its completion.
Hungary had also built its own border fence after the 2015 migration crisis to stop migration from Serbia. Thousands of migrants still get through with the help of people smugglers.