Russia made a vaccine against the viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus called Sputnik Light was recognised in India on Sunday, February 6, 2022. The first dose of the vaccine called Sputnik Light has been registered in India, as per the information provided by Russia’s Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).
Russia has made two vaccines that have been manufactured in the country, named Sputnik V and Sputnik Light, against the deadly viral infection caused by the COVID-19 virus. The vaccine named Sputnik V has been recognised by many countries. Moreover, the World Health Organisation has also provided that they are eager to approve the vaccine and will do an inspection in the country by 2023.
The vaccine named Sputnik V has been recognised by many countries such as Australia and many more. Russia’s health ministry also claimed that their vaccine against the viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus is also very effective against the Omicron strain of the COVID-19 as it will bring more antibodies against the viral strain. The one study conducted by Israel and Russia joint group also signified that the vaccine Is much more effective than the Pfizer vaccine against the viral infection of Omicron.
Further, the Russian Direct Investment Fund exclaimed that the sovereign wealth fund has announced the first jab of the vaccine against the viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus made by Russia called Sputnik Light has been accepted by the Drug Controller General of India ( DCGI). It informed that the first jab of the vaccine ag ist the Covid-19 viral infection had been accepted by India.
As per the reports of RDIF that the vaccine named Sputnik Light against the viral infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 has been approved by at least 30 countries across the globe, it is estimated that more than 2.5 billion population across the world have received the vaccine named Sputnik Light against the novel coronavirus. The countries such as Argentina, Bahrain, UAE, San Marino and the Philippines have accepted the Russian vaccine against the viral infection caused by the Covid-19 pandemic named Sputnik Light has been taken as a Universal booster.