In one of the cities of Ukraine, Ivankiv, which is around 50 miles away from the capital city of Kyiv, young girls cut their hair short to make themselves look “less attractive” and avoid getting raped by occupying Russian troops, as per the deputy mayor Maryna Beschastna.
The town was liberated on March 30, following more than a month of being occupied by the Russian military.
During the period of occupation, women were pulled out of basements by their hair so Russian troops could abuse them. Girls started trimming their hair short to be less attractive, so no one looks at them anymore, “Beschastna said.
According to several reports, she described one incident in which two sisters, 15 and 16 years of age, were allegedly raped in a village nearby.
The reports further added that, Ivankiv is not the only part of Ukraine where reports of rape have been coming. In one more case, a Ukrainian woman said she was raped by Russian troops moments following her husband was shot to death, while her terrified four-year-old son was crying as well as screaming in the next room.
In addition, Ukrainian Member of Parliament Lesia Vasylenk has made a claim that Russian troops raped girls as young as ten years old & branded women’s bodies.