Defence Minister of Ukraine Alexey Reznikov had been exposed to the deadly viral infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2, declared by the Minister on late Tuesday, February 8,222.
While informing about the contraction, Defence Minister Reznikov on late Tuesday took to Facebook and mentioned,” I have been infected with the deadly infection of the novel coronavirus as my test showed the positive result of the deadly virus.”
He further explained his situation and cited,” My condition is under control and stable, and I have self-quarantined myself. However, I am doing my work as I am in the working regime”.
Reznikov, by thanking the modern technology, expressed that it has been two years that everyone has been battling with the infection caused by the novel coronavirus, but thanks to the modern communication technologies and the further wrote,” Due to the modern technologies I have been able to do my work or that too without any disturbance”.
Moreover, the defence minister has been contracted to the deadly viral infection caused by the novel coronavirus second time as on November 11, 2020; he was already exposed to the viral disease caused by the Covid-19. At that time, he was not the Defence Minister of Ukraine but serving as the Deputy Prime Minister of the country.
As per the status of the Covid-19 pandemic earlier, the health ministry of Ukraine has predicted that the infection associated with the novel coronavirus would witness a surge in the next two weeks. It has been asserted that the cases of the Covid+19 virus could be increased and touch the mark of 60,000 Covid-19 related infections in the coming weeks.
As per the health ministry, the cases could be established after the incidence rate of the novel coronavirus may start coming under control or stabilised and then declined gradually.
Ukraine is facing unrest at its borders due to the military build-up by the Russian forces, which results in a surge in the migration of the citizens from the country. The attempt of invasion by the Russian side is posing a threat to the country and its sovereignty.