The Security Service of Ukraine have detained an FSB employee, who was creating an agent network in Ukraine. The detainee was further sentenced to 15 years in prison. The details of the following has been shared by the Security Service of Ukraine via their official social media handle.
While sharing the details on the following, SBU added that, “Due to the evidence base of the Security Service, it was possible to convict a Russian spy who, while in the Russian Federation, created an agent network in Ukraine. The attacker is Oleksandr Yuriyovych Ivanchenko, a staff member of the FSB department in Krasnoyarsk Krai.”
It is to be added that, he was preparing terrorist attacks against the Defense Forces and collecting information from the frontline regions of Ukraine.
So, in 2017, Oleksandr Ivanchenko recruited a Kyiv native and after several “test” tasks “canned” him.
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, an FSB employee “activated” his agent and instructed him to come to the Chernivtsi region.
As per the details shared by the SBU, “There, the traitor had to establish and transfer to the aggressor the locations of railway hubs and logistics warehouses, which are used for temporary basing and transfer of Ukrainian troops to the front. The Russian occupiers needed intelligence to carry out a series of explosions at infrastructure facilities in Bukovyna.”
However, the Security Service acted in advance and detained the enemy agent earlier this year.
In addition, the FSB employee collected information from the frontline regions of Ukraine.
He was especially interested in the exact coordinates of the locations of the units of the Security Service and the separate special purpose regiment “Azov”.
But, the SBU blocked all attempts by the Russian spy to obtain the information he needed.
On the basis of the collected evidence, the court found him guilty under Part 1 of Art. 114 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (espionage) and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
The investigation was conducted by SBU employees in Chernivtsi region under the procedural guidance of the regional prosecutor’s office.