“Life is so unpredictable” is the phrase we usually use in our daily life. People lived joyful moments in their lives and also witnessed some downfalls. We often meet people who give big life lessons and explain how to live happily. But somehow, the problems and hardships of life makes people sorrowful and despair.
The period between birth and death is known as life. Life brings a man to the earth and makes people eligible to interact with other lives. The basic fundamental of life is based on happiness, as every person on the earth wants to be delighted and happy.
Life gives the person everything, including happiness, sorrow, home, money, places, and family. But people get bored with life, and they also feel depression, stress and anxiety on the earth.
Life is so exciting but brings challenges at every phase and makes a long journey for humans. In the journey, many people lost their courage and made their life unexciting; on the other hand, many people live life with full courage and excitement that take their lives to the next level.
People who lost their fearlessness remain normal people on the earth, while a person with their courage makes their life so exciting that they just touch the sky.
The person would be like Dr B.R. Amedkar, an ordinary person who was being criticized for just being born in the lower community. But when he understood life and started living with their own standards, then people began to look upon him and made him their inspiration.
Moreover, the persons who have criticized Dr B.R. Ambedkar are never being witnessed by anyone, but Dr Amdekar has known as Father of Nation, which shows that there is only a need for courage to understand life.
Life is something that is the most influential topic of the discussion, and every saint, the gurus, has discussed the phases of life and how to live effectively. They have widely discussed the matters of life and presented the issues which would bring happiness o the person’s life. The leaders have taught us how a person could live a happy life and how they can make their life presentable.
Moreover, a granth called Guru Granth Sahib Ji has explained the phases of life very efficiently. They have told us that the person is incomplete with the God if God with them, then the man would live an extraordinary lives. The Gurbani states,” Ananad, Anand sab koi kahe, Anada guru te Janeya, Jaenya Anand Sada gur te, kirpa Kare pehchaneya. It means that people who want enjoyment in life could have to bring the God in their mind and if God is with the person, then everything is happy in the lives and the anand which ultimate happiness could have come only when God will bless us.
Further, Guru Nanak Sahib, the first guru of Sikhs, also stated that the zindigi always lures a person, but God is with them people could fight with any sorrow and despair. In his bani named Japji Sahib, he mentioned,” hukmi hovaakar, hukum na kaheya jai, hukmi hoven ji, hukum mile vadiyeayi. It means if God operates everything on the earth, it will order the person to do everything on the earth.
So, on earth, everything happens what nature wants that it should happen. Nature always operated the earth and also human beings.
In life, people want everything, such as a luxurious life, fame and name. With the proper hard work and dedication, many people also achieved that, but there is something which is hard to attain. It is known as peace which brings peace to the mind of people.
“In life, peace is necessary, but what if peace would not come, then at least tried to not to take tension”.
The quote clarifies that this is somehow impossible in life to attain peace, but people could get away from the tensions of lives. As in, people could be happy without attaining life. This is a life where you could” not examine what will be happening in the second moment so you could be satisfied without taking tensions.
” Life is something which connects with the satisfaction of mind and people could attain it by changing their perception of life”.
People can’t get satisfied in life as people he/she needs everything in life. Moreover, people get everything in life then he/ she even then they would not get satisfied.
So, people who want to get satisfied with life have to feel satisfied, but if they don’t, then there is nothing like satisfaction in the world.
Further, there are many problems in the relationship now witnessing on the earth. As per Nawal Mustafa, communication is always a necessity that leads to healthy relations.
She asserted that the couples must practise listening and expression to establish a healthy connection.
However, certain communication styles may spell the doom of a relationship.
People should focus on not making an effort to understand the other person’s perspective and forcing the other person to change or be more like you, asserted the things that could kill relationships by Nawal Mustafa.
“Good understanding of life leads to Good relations“. So, people who understand life properly and live life with their own standard then they could make good relations.
People always want to follow others, but extraordinary is something that comes when you follow yourself.
“Be Unique by making promoting your unique personality.” You are unique and just understand that think could lead to making you unique.
People always shine who loves to do hard work and live their work anything they want to do life. But people always become an example who are extraordinary and unique.
In life, the standard is important. But if people think that by wearing expensive clothes, or by living in the multi dollars hoes you could maintain your class and standard, then this is something which to you feel happy for only some piece of time.
The standard of life always breaks out when you live with your uniqueness and etiquette. Only with your good thinking and a good perspective to watch the things on the earth leads a good standard of life.
So, life is all about your thoughts and mid-set and people who want to live a happy life then have to make their mind-set the standard of the good life.
People have to be satisfied by making their thinking satisfied. People have to be in peace; then their thought has to be in peace and many more.