“Ukraine is the best test ground for tech businesses and startups”, were the words of the Vice Prime Minister & Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, who has recently taken part in Web Summit 2022.
Minister Mykhailo Fedorov took it to Twitter to share the information, adding that, “Ukraine is the best test ground for tech businesses & startups. In Ukraine you can develop and scale your product 10x time faster than in any other country. This is my message at
@WebSummit’22. Advanced digital solutions worldwide combined with Ukraine’s bravery — joint victory.”
In response to which, a lot of people as well as investors across the world turned towards Ukraine and are showing keen interests towards its technology-based business as well as startups.
“Hi, please share some details on how We can engage with Ukrainian tech developers, I’m happy to contribute,” were the words of one of those among, who are interested.
The world’s largest technology conference – Inc., Web Summit, brings together the people as well as the companies redefining the global tech industry. Web Summit 2022 was held in Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal from November 1 to 4, 2022.