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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Jailed Kremlin Critic Vladimir Kara-Murza Transferred to Prison Hospital Amid Health Concerns

Kara-Murza, 42, has a history of serious health issues allegedly linked to poisoning attempts, which his wife Evgenia and lawyers claim were deliberate attacks against him. Evgenia Kara-Murza reported on Facebook that her husband's lawyers were denied access to him after he was moved from the maximum-security facility

Putin Rejects Peace Terms Other Than His Own in Tense Talks with Hungary’s Orban

After the talks, Putin reiterated that the conflict could only end on Russian terms. He demanded the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as from the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions

Russian Airstrikes Leave Sumy Without Drinking Water, Intensifying Ukraine’s Humanitarian Crisis

The Sumy region has become a hotspot for artillery, mortar, and drone attacks launched from Russian territory. Over the past day, six municipalities within Sumy have come under fire, further destabilizing the area and exacerbating the plight of its residents

Ukrainian combat medic recalls how he moved heaven & earth to save defender

WorldRussiaUkrainian combat medic recalls how he moved heaven & earth to save defender

The Advisor to the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, Anton Gerashchenko has  shared a video of combat medic, recalling how he saved a Ukrainian defender. It is to be noted that, Ukrainian Advisor took it to his official social media handle to share the video of Ukrainian combat medic.

While taking it to his official social media handle, Advisor Anton Gerashchenko added that, “A combat medic tells how he moved heaven and earth to save a Defender. True superheroes don’t wear capes.”


In the video, Ukrainian combat medic could be seen as saying that, “There was a soldier, it was probably a few weeks ago, who had a stomach wound, a leg wound, and a head wound and I remember that… the task there, of course, was to deliver him as soon as possible, and we tried our best.”

“But I remember that on the way, I tried to give him all the medicines, inject him with all I had,” says Ukrainian combat medic.

He further recalled that, he was in such a state that when he was carrying Ukrainian defender, he gave up strength to carry him, adding that, “I was in such a state that when I was carrying him, I just was giving up, I didn’t have enough strength to carry him. And the road was far away, plus the mortar shelling… it was clear that he would not live. He just wouldn’t make it.”

At the same time, he said that, “At that moment, when I was giving up, when I had no more strength, I said: God if you save what I’m asking you to save, I will do everything possible to save him. I remember how I got up, just pulling him with my last strength. And then I was begging on my knees: “Please don’t die.”

“I injected him with more medicine… “Please don’t die.” And I remember that I brought him into the stabilization center already unconscious, without breathing. But we have great doctors and it’s good that his vital functions faded away literally a minute before I got to the stabilization center. And they quickly intubated him, connected him to artificial blood circulation, and he was reanimated! He even had some blood pressure, although his heart was no longer beating. It was just a miracle,” says Ukrainian combat medic.

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