The Security Service of Ukraine have documented the crimes of 3 more citizens of the Russian Federation, who headed the invading bodies in the temporarily regions of Ukraine, and also publicly justified Russian armed aggression.
In Donetsk region:
Andrii Ichenko, the so-called “general director of the Donbasgaz concern”, was informed of the suspicion.
According to the investigation, the Russian was appointed to the “position” in 2018 under the personal patronage of the terrorist Pushylin.
Since then, Ichenko has been fulfilling Moscow’s task of ensuring supplies of Russian gas to the leaders of the DNR terrorist organization.
In addition, the attacker carried out the “orders” of the aggressor country to replenish the ranks of the occupation groups of the Russian Federation at the expense of Donbasgaz employees.
In Zaporozhye:
Russian propagandist who headed the Roziv Village Administration created by the invaders has been identified. He turned out to be Russian Andriy Markin.
Figurant became known as the author of books on the tactics of fighting in urban conditions and the organizer of a number of reconstructions of the Second World War.
At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he publicly supported the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
He was appointed to the “position” by Gauleiter Balytskyi, who is a supporter of Markin’s “creativity”.
As part of the occupying body, he organized a pseudo-referendum in a temporarily occupied village.
On the basis of the collected evidence, the investigators of the Security Service notified both defendants of suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine).
In addition, the subversive activities of the citizen of the Russian Federation Serhii Savchuk, a propagandist of the Russian information resources “RIA Novosti” and “Zvezda”, have been documented.
On his own multi-thousand channels in Telegram and YouTube, he spread fakes about the situation at the front, glorified the Rashists and advocated the continuation of mobilization in Russia.
The perpetrator was notified of suspicion under Art. 436 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (war propaganda).
Currently, the accused are hiding from justice in the territory of the aggressor country and in the temporarily captured regions of Ukraine. Procedural actions are ongoing to bring them to justice.
Complex measures were carried out by SBU employees in Zaporizhzhia, Khmelnytskyi, Donetsk and Luhansk regions under the procedural guidance of the prosecutor’s office.