The Security Service of Ukraine have eliminated four new channels of illegal departure of citizens of military age abroad. 15 people from different regions of Ukraine are involved in the organization of the event. Criminals offered conscripts to leave our country on the basis of fictitious documents.
The following details has been shared by the SBU over their social media handle. The details added that the cost of fakes was up to 8 thousand dollars. The amount depended on the urgency of departure and the complexity of the “route”.
In Kyiv:
Four residents of the capital, who produced fake medical certificates to avoid mobilization allegedly due to health conditions, were detained.
The evaders planned to use the forgery to escape abroad.
In Chernihiv:
A city council member was exposed who, together with three local businessmen, developed a mechanism for illegally transporting potential conscripts to the European Union.
The perpetrators presented their “clients” as volunteer drivers of a city public organization headed by a deputy. Then their personal data was entered into the electronic system “Shlyakh”, which gave grounds for leaving Ukraine.
Currently, the deputy himself is hiding from justice abroad. He was informed of the suspicion and the issue of a wanted notice is being resolved.
In Rivne Oblast:
A criminal group specializing in illegal migration was neutralized. Among the main members of the group are a lawyer, his assistant and two carriers who have licenses for international flights.
Criminals registered their “customers” as drivers and prepared their departure in several cars to the EU.
In Lviv Oblast:
A 53-year-old local resident who wanted to sell fake medical certificates on unfitness for military service was detained.
Based on the collected evidence, all key organizers of the riots were notified of suspicion under the following articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:
▪️ Part 1 Art. 114-1 (obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, committed by a group of persons following a prior conspiracy);
▪️ Part 3 Art. 332 (illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine).
Investigations are ongoing to bring the guilty parties to justice. Perpetrators face up to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property.
Comprehensive measures were carried out jointly with the National Police under the procedural guidance of the prosecutor’s office.