16.8 C
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Jailed Kremlin Critic Vladimir Kara-Murza Transferred to Prison Hospital Amid Health Concerns

Kara-Murza, 42, has a history of serious health issues allegedly linked to poisoning attempts, which his wife Evgenia and lawyers claim were deliberate attacks against him. Evgenia Kara-Murza reported on Facebook that her husband's lawyers were denied access to him after he was moved from the maximum-security facility

Putin Rejects Peace Terms Other Than His Own in Tense Talks with Hungary’s Orban

After the talks, Putin reiterated that the conflict could only end on Russian terms. He demanded the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, as well as from the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions

Russian Airstrikes Leave Sumy Without Drinking Water, Intensifying Ukraine’s Humanitarian Crisis

The Sumy region has become a hotspot for artillery, mortar, and drone attacks launched from Russian territory. Over the past day, six municipalities within Sumy have come under fire, further destabilizing the area and exacerbating the plight of its residents

SBU completes security measures at UOC ‘MP’ facilities; discovered ‘teachings on Satanism’

WorldRussiaSBU completes security measures at UOC 'MP' facilities; discovered 'teachings on Satanism'

The Security Services of Ukraine on Friday has completed counter-intelligence (security) measures at the UOC (MP) facilities, which are located in Zakarpattia, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions.

Warehouses with pro-Kremlin literature, Nazi symbols, “teachings on Satanism”, & texts of prayers for Moscow Patriarch Kirill were traced on the territory of the dioceses.


In addition, in the St. Nicholas Men’s Monastery in the Khust district of Zakarpattia, symbols of the banned party “OPZZ”, as well as brochures praising the Russian invaders in the battle against Ukraine, were found.

Books on propaganda by Russian authors justifying aggression against Ukraine & imploring people to join the ranks of the Russian forces were also stored there.

But on the territory of the Rivne-Ostroh eparchy, the Security Service employees discovered hidden Belarusian cash & brochures with calls for peace with the “fraternal Russian people”, as well as glorification of the “Russian land”, along with “Russian soldiers”. Belarusian and Russian authors write them.

During security measures in the St. Anastasia Stauropygian Convent and two Skites in Zhytomyr Oblast, persons who are in link with citizens of the Russian Federation were traced. Right now, these contacts are being studied by SBU employees.

The “guests” were in hotel complexes near churches & used anonymous messengers to hold talks with the enemy

Right now, all seized materials have been sent further for examination to take more procedural actions and bring the culprits to justice.


SBU employees of the Zakarpattia, Rivne and Zhytomyr regions carried out security measures.


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