Russia: On Wednesday, February 2, 2022, the regional press service of the government has launched the statement that under the Clean Arctic Federal project, around 20,000 tonnes of waste would not be removed from three Arctic villages before the end of 2022 at the state of Russia called Yakutia.
As per the statement of the press service, “Under the clean Arctic federal programme, the waste of around 20,000 tonnes of the waste will be removed from the three villages from the state called Yakutia such as Deputatsky, Ust-Kuiga, and Severny before the end of 2022″.
It further noted that the one resident from the Arctic zone had provided the information that the agreement that has processed the scrap metal has now reached between the villages such as Ust-Yana District and the VSP-Resurs company.
Around 2,000 tonnes of scrap metal have been collected in the district in the year 2021, as per the press service.
The minister of the Yakutia on the Development of the Arctic and on Affairs of the North’s People asserted that the waste in the three villages have largely scrapped metal and objects and remained the industrial development.
The region has further developed the corporate volunteer movement and further missions would invite the companies for the cleanup missions and also worked in the region of the Arctic zone, as per the statement of press service called Aisen Nikolayev and further noted,” Taking the account our huge territories and their support cannot be overestimated.
It further underscored that the volunteers from the Yanolovo and Yanzoloto would clean up two villages, and this year, the Russian Defence Minister asserted that the operator would continue to crap the metal from the named Tiksi, which is around it as per the regional government.
So, the measure would be proved very effective in waste management.