Kavanagasau farmer, Sanjay Kumar, has received praise for treating his farm as a business after fully funding the construction of a borehole on his farm.
While commissioning the borehole last week Thursday (23/06/22), at Yalasa, Kavanagasau in Sigatoka, Minister for Agriculture, Waterways, and Environment, Dr Mahendra Reddy, commended Mr Kumar for his effort in investing in his farm; an act which Minister Reddy has strongly advocated throughout these past three years.
The Minister for Agriculture thanked Sanjay for taking the lead and investing in his farm by doing the work on a borehole for the farm. He stated that the borehole is an investment on his farm, and he is treating his farm as a business.
“We want farmers in Fiji to treat their farms as a business which means farmers will do their particular activity for the market to create a surplus, and that surplus will have three components,” Dr Reddy said.
“The first part of the surplus will go towards his house expenses and the second component of the surplus will be saved while the third component of his surplus will be reinvested back into his farm,” said Minister Reddy.
Meanwhile, Minister Reddy expressed appreciation to farmers of Kavanagasau for their gradual shift to non-sugar agriculture, which has resulted in a rise in this sector’s export earnings.
The Ministry of Agriculture assisted Mr Kumar in the construction of the borehole by providing technical advice and assigning equipment to help him locate and build the borehole.