Amid growing concerns over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis on Thursday has released his views on the ongoing war, adding that, “Arming Ukraine can be acceptable “if the conditions of mortality are met.”
He added that, however, that was required to engage in dialogue with “everyone”, an implicit reference to Moscow, with which the Holy See has been trying to keep diplomatic channels open since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine.
Asked about the requirement to supply arms to Ukraine on his return from a three-day visit to Kazakhstan, where he has taken part in an inter-religious conference, the pope insisted on the significance of “morality.”
While addressing a press conference on the plane back to Rome, Pope said that, “It is a political decision that can be morally acceptable if done according to the conditions of morality. However, it would be immoral if it is done with the intent of provoking more war, selling more weapons, or discarding those weapons that are no longer required.”
“Defending yourself is not only lawful but also an expression of love of country,” said Pope Francis, who has frequently called for peace and strongly condemned the arms industry.