Amid the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, where news about losses and casualties coming, it is very rare when some satirical news comes out from any of the side. Similar news has been coming, where people on Twitter are portraying the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin as their meme material , and are using his photo in a joking way to create satire.
Along with the photo of the Russian president, people also make similar comments. The same was seen on the recently spreading photo over Twitter, which is showing that, “Putin is threatening to exit from Donetsk if Ukraine continues to refuse to hold talks on the ongoing war.”
Putin threatens to also retreat from Donetsk if Ukraine continues to refuse to negotiate
— Sputnik Not (@Sputnik_Not) November 9, 2022
Similarly, Sputnik Not on Twitter has shared a photo of President Putin pointing finger. Along with the photo, they also added the caption, which reads as follows, “Putin threatens to also retreat from Donetsk if Ukraine continues to refuse to negotiate.”
Earlier on Thursday as well a similar photo was circulating, which was showing the content, that reads as follows, “I’m warning Kyiv: If you continue refusing negotiations, we will leave Zaporizhzhia region, too!”, which was meant as a joke as well.
Meanwhile, several people took it to the comment section to express their sentiments, which reads as follows, “If things continue as they are, Putin might have to give up some of Russia to Ukraine before peace talks can be negotiated.”