The Advisor to the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, Anton Gerashchenko, on Tuesday, has shared data released by the Levada Center Survey, which added that, “Almost 70 percent of Russians will support dictator Putin in the next election.” It is to be noted that, the following data has been released by the Levada Center survey (Russian sociology organization that does opinion polls and research).
Notably, Advisor Gerashchenko, while sharing the data, raised a question, said that, “But is that really so? Most respondents describe their attitude toward Putin as “positive-neutral”. 2/3 Russians would like him to be re-elected in 2024. His supporters explain that Putin, in their opinion, “pursues the right policy,” “is a good leader,” “is for the people,” and “has no alternative”.
Almost 70 percent of Russians will support dictator Putin in the next election, – Levada Center survey (Russian sociology organization that does opinion polls and research). But is that really so?
Most respondents describe their attitude toward Putin as “positive-neutral”. 2/3…
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) July 10, 2023
In the social media post, Advisor Gerashchenko, added that, “This news has already been picked up not only by the Kremlin propaganda media, but also by many independent and Western media outlets, often to the effect that it’s yet another confirmation of how loyal the majority of Russian population is to Putin’s course of action. In fact, this is not the case. Not because of the research’s poor quality or unprofessional conduct. On the contrary, Levada Center is considered one of the most trustworthy and independent public opinion polling agencies in Russia. The problem is that under Putin’s (and in any other) dictatorship, there can be no credible sociology.”
He further made a revelation that, “People are afraid to express their opinions if they do not coincide with the official line of power. They know that criticism of Putin and his policies may cost them their freedom or their lives. Therefore, many people prefer to hide their real views or lie to sociologists to avoid problems.”
Along with this, Advisor Gerashchenko, has also referred to several examples adding that, “There are examples through history when opinion polls showed exorbitant ratings for dictators merely hours before their downfall.“
- In 1989, for example, Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu held a referendum about his policies in which 98 percent of voters supposedly supported him. However, soon afterward he was overthrown by a popular uprising and shot.
- In 2003, Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein held an election in which he allegedly received 100 percent of the vote. Shortly thereafter, however, he was overthrown by an invasion by the U.S. and its allies and hanged.
- In 2011, Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi held a referendum on his policies in which allegedly 97 percent of voters supported him. Not long after that, however, a civil war broke out in the country and he was brutally murdered by rebels.
- In 2019, Kazakh dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev held an election in which he allegedly received 97 percent of the votes. Soon after that – you guessed it! –
At the same time, Advisor Gerashchenko, added that, “By the way, just a few days ago, the whole world was watching an attempt at armed mutiny in Russia and the mass support of Wagner PMC by the people. All those Russians who supposedly support Putin whole-heartedly, did not do anything to put that support into action.”