The ongoing battle between Russian and Ukrainian forces have reached its 575th day. It is to be noted that the was started on the early morning of February 24, 2022.
Following the completion of 575 days of the ongoing war, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has released the overall list of the losses suffered by the Russian military.
The list below shows the data of overall losses between the February 24, 2022, to September 21, 2023, which is as follows:
- List of Russian soldiers killed
- List of loss of Russian tanks
- List of loss of armoured vehicles
- List of loss of artillery systems
- List of loss of Russian rocket launchers
- List of loss of Russian air defence systems
- List of loss of Russian aircraft
- List of loss of Russian helicopters
- List of loss of Russian UAVs
- List of loss of Russian cruise missiles
- List of loss of Russian ships and boats
- List of loss of Russian vehicles and fuel trucks
- List of loss of special equipment.
It is to be specifically added, during the period between February 24 to September 21, the Russian army lost over 274,470 troops in the ongoing battle against the Ukrainian army from the day the war erupted.
Alongside, the Russian side has faced overall loss of 4,638 tanks during the ongoing war against the Ukrainian army.
At the same time, the Russian army has suffered a loss of over 6,137 artillery systems during the ongoing war against Ukraine.
Moreover, the Russian military has faced a loss of over 781 rocket launchers in the battle against the Ukrainian army.
Meanwhile, Russia has suffered a loss of over 8,883 Russian armoured personnel vehicles in the war against the Ukrainian army.
Along with this, the Russian army has lost over 528 air defence systems, as well as 315 aircrafts and 316 helicopters, in the battle against the Ukrainian army.
The data further added that, “the Russian army suffered a loss of over 4,850 UAVs along with 1,479 cruise missiles in fighting against the Ukrainian army.”
At the same time, the Russian army has suffered a loss of over 20 ships/boats, along with 8,670 vehicles/ fuel trucks as well as 911 special equipment & 1 submarine in the battle against the Ukrainian army.